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“Don’t It Sound Alright was about slowing down during the quarantine. I had for the first time, months and months on my hand to actually not be working and not be playing shows and gone every weekend and especially with my now fiance, MacKinnon. And we had a lot of time to take a couple of trips, spend some time at the beach, go see her family and my family. And it was really just about kind of disconnecting from everything else just kind of being right there with me and her. And that’s kind of the whole thing. When I listen to that song, my heart rate slows down, my blood pressure goes down. It kind of makes everything better. It makes me smile and that’s what I wanted people to feel from that song and I think that’s exactly what’s happened. So it’s worked out good.”
“I don’t really have a great story behind that song other than we showed up that day and wrote it. I had that idea Where Country Music Comes From I like when things are simple. It’s country music is really just a guy and a girl underneath some stars and kind of everything comes from that and so I thought that was really cool. Again, kind of with the slowing down and getting out somewhere just you and somebody in your person and I will say Where Country Music Comes From. I wrote it, went into record it, thought it was gonna be the last song on the record, and I felt so in love with it that I moved it up to number two, because I wanted to make sure it got heard. It’s definitely my, it was my favorite process of recording of a song that I’ve ever had before. So I’m really excited for people to hear that one.”
“Barstool Whiskey Wonderland. I came in that day, Jonathan Singleton, Lindsey Rimes wrote that song with and I had just the title Wonderland. I was just thinking wonder what you’re doing now? I think we all have that person that is the one that got away. It’s funny how the one that gets away is the one that kind of never really goes away. You know, that was kind of my idea. And Jonathan Singleton said, how about Barstool Whiskey Wonderland? And it just kind of put a picture in your head immediately. And I was like, yes, that’s much better than my title. We’re gonna go with that. And so that’s what that song is. And what I think kind of life is I feel like people you wonder if you’re doing this right. You wonder if you’re doing today, right? You wonder if you’re with the right person or with the wrong person or at the right job or at the wrong job. I feel like everybody juggles that all the time. And so that’s kind of what that song is wondering this, wondering that. And I think it kind of never goes away for some people and some things.”
“Yeah, I remember writing Drinkin’ It Wrong. I got to the zoom write that day. It wasn’t in person but I remember thinking, everything was so sad. Everything was all about obviously COVID and quarantine. And anytime you turn on the TV, it was just nothing but bad news. And instead of writing about that sadness, I walked in, I was like, I got this title. It’s called Drinkin’ It Wrong. It’s about having a good time. Let’s write a song for when people get back to their real life and get back to country concerts and in the crowd and having a good time when all this craziness is over. And that’s what we did. And again, it’s kind of worked out that way. We open the show with it every night. It puts everybody in a good mood, puts a drink in everybody’s hand, and I get to teach people like how to and not to drink in the first song of the set which is fun.“
“Close That Tab is very different for me. I did have the idea. I wrote that with Zach Abend and Derrick Southerland. And I’ve never really written like a breakup with your boyfriend song. It’s really fun. I’ve kind of turned into the love song guy, I have a lot of love songs. And this one is the opposite of that. It’s literally telling this girl it’s like, hey, this guy is not good enough for you. And you just continue to say you’re not gonna see him anymore, and you show back up at the bar with him. And the whole thing just kind of keeps repeating. And I think it’s something I see in my life all the time. All the time people do it. People do the backslide all the time. Because it’s easier to be with somebody who you know you shouldn’t be with, rather than just be by yourself sometimes. So if anybody out there is kind of on the brink or knows they’re in a bad relationship, and they shouldn’t be with this person. This is going to be some motivation for you to go ahead and end it once once and for all.”
“‘Til Dawn Do Us Part. Probably my favorite title on the record one of them. At least top three. It plays off till death do us part. It’s you know, that’s obviously what you say when you’re getting married and this is about a guy and a girl and this guy’s in love with her and she’s in love with him until the sun comes up and then she kind of ends up being gone. When the sun comes up she’s gone. And it’s a story we’ve all heard before but I loved the spin on it and how that how it plays with till death do us part. And the guy is, you know, is kind of hopeless in a little way. He says I love you with all of my heart till don’t do us part. Because he says if I can’t have the daytime I’ll take the nighttime, you know because he wants her that bad. So it’s a bit of a longing and just kind of a cool way to play off of love. One person might have a little more than the other person with that one.”
“Fake Love. This is the first outside song I’ve ever recorded. So the first song I didn’t write that I’m recording. And I remember my manager sent it to me, I listened to it one time. I remember the Lyric is definitely what drew me in. Just, I feel like whether you’re in a good relationship or a bad relationship, this song makes you realize which one it is quickly. It’s very on the nose of what love can be and also shouldn’t be. And that’s what it did. For me. I was like, man, this this really made me think of my life. And I related to it a lot. And so I put it on hold. And turns out Danielle Bradbury had also put it on hold on, I guess three weeks after I did. So when I found that out. I knew she loved the song and I’m such a huge fan of her. And so I invited her to come sing this song with me and luckily it all worked out. And she sounds incredible on it and I can’t wait for everybody to hear it.”
“Fast Asleep is, I like to kind of sometimes call songs sequels of older songs. I’ve got a song called Neon Fools, which is kind of making some bad decisions in the neon lights. And you know you shouldn’t go home with this person or make this decision or even walk into this bar but in that moment, it feels right and you do it. Fast asleep is about that. It’s about staying up all night with somebody. You know, keep on keeping me up while the whole world’s fastest sleep is kind of the whole thing. It’s in that really cool vein of when you really connect with somebody, it does kind of feel like it’s only you and that person that’s awake right now and the whole world is sleeping. And you had this really special moment that may or may not be there when when the sun comes up.”
“Another. I wrote that song kind of the verse in the chorus by myself. Took it in and finished it with a girl named Trannie Anderson, who is one of my favorite writers in town. And we just kind of wrote a really pure love song. And it was an interesting thing because normally, I get to play shows out on the road and test songs out for crowds and see what people like before I release them. This one was right when COVID started. I didn’t get to play any shows between the time I wrote it, and when it came out. So I didn’t get any reaction. I just knew that I thought it was a special song. And to make a long story short, it turns out it was. It connected with so many people. It has become more people’s first dance song than I could have ever, ever imagined. And actually, while we had no shows during COVID, I showed up and surprised probably 10 or 15 brides on their wedding day and played it for their first dance and it was really cool. It allowed me to be a part of a lot of really cool moments.”
“Girl In Love is the romantic in me coming out. I think there’s a little bit of, you can get some Lionel Richie feel from that song. Kind of Easy Like Sunday Morning feel. It’s also what I truly believe. I don’t think there’s anything more powerful than a girl in love, in the world. There’s there’s a reason God made a female last, I think I think it’s the most extravagant thing there is. And especially when a girl is in love, I love that you can see it from across the room. You don’t even have to really talk to them. You can see people on a date and be like, yeah, she really, really is in love with him. You know, you can kind of see it. And I think that’s what people have really connected to with that song is. It is just true. It’s just people here and they’re like, yep, that’s exactly what happens. So it’s about a female falling in love, a girl falling in love. And it’s kind of a little message to the guys like when she does, if you see that don’t screw it up. Don’t take it for granted.”
“Hey Drink. Another one of my favorite titles. I wrote this. So basically, every time I would drink, I would miss this girl and every time she would drink, she did not miss me back. And so instead of getting mad at her, I ended up just writing a song to the drink and I got kind of mad at the drink. I’m like, hey, why, why do when I drink you? I want to call her at 2am. And when she when she has a drink, she doesn’t call me at 2am and instead of blaming myself, like a logical person or her. I blame the drink so it’s kind of this really cool juxtaposition where it’s the drinks fault and not mine or hers.”
“Way Over You is the morning you wake up and you realize, okay, I’m finally over that person. You know, or at least I’m starting to get over that person. It’s a moment I think we’ve all had, everybody gets hung up on somebody. We talked about it earlier, you know, you go back to them once and you break up again and you get back and then finally you decide, you got to move on. And so that song is like, hey, I’m starting to like the way over you feels, finally. It might have taken six, six weeks, six months, however it is everybody’s different. But it’s the moment where you realize you are going to be fine. You can’t get over them. And you finally notice the somebody new looking at you in the bar for the first time.”
“Holy Jeans is first of all, I wrote it looking at the Gulf of Mexico. So I spent a lot of time in the quarantine at a condo in Florida. And that was lovely. I remember like Holy Jeans is not really even a title that normally, I would have probably said, okay, let’s write it. Ben Simonetti brought that title in. And at first when I heard the title, I’m like, that sounds sounds a little cliche or little, little hokey, whatever it is. And then he kind of told me what he was thinking with it. And it turned out to be really cool. I had this really cool groove and bluesy and so we wrote that song about this, you know, a girl that doesn’t, she don’t get to spend much of it like a million bucks, I think is kind of the whole idea there. And it really plays on holey as in holes in jeans and Holy as in as in God. And maybe she’s meant to be there. And it’s a really cool lyric. And one that again, I have to attribute to quarantine because I don’t know that it would have ever come about without me being at the beach for months at a time and kind of having that mindset when I was writing.”
“Somewhere Cool With You. I have to give MacKinnon credit for this title again. We were literally standing in the kitchen and I asked her I was like, where do you want to go? Let’s take a trip. Because we would have been stuck in the house. And I was like, let’s take a trip somewhere, where you want to go? She said somewhere cool with you. And I was like, I’ll be right back. I literally, that was like 9am in the morning. And I think I wrote that song at 11. So I was like, I love that title. I’m gonna go upstairs and write it. And luckily she didn’t take writers credits. So she gave me that one.”
“What Kinda Night is just a banger, I think. You know we kind of went in trying to write. I had that idea and everybody’s different right everybody some people like to stay in on a Friday night and order a pizza. Some people like to go to Broadway and have a damn good time, whatever it might be. It’s kind of a guy trying to tell his girl, hey what kind of night do you want to have tonight? And I’m going to be exactly that for you. But it’s you know, the song obviously brooches every type of night. To me it sounds like a let’s go out and have a good time.”
“Could Have Loved You Longer – I wrote about my now fiance. The first verse of that song we were both downtown different sides of the same crowd. Wasn’t gonna go out or stay that late. You wrote your number on a napkin without me even asking. Like all of that actually is the way that we met. And I think when you find the right person, inherently you just kind of wish you to found them a little bit sooner, right? I’d been through kind of like a alright, I’m giving up on girls phase. And I was literally about to just take some time off from dating anybody and that was the night that I met her. She was about to move back to Dallas where she went to school. And so the timing of all of it was really cool. And that’s just kind of it was about as honest as I could have been. I went in the next day and wrote that song and was like, man, I wish I could have met her sooner.”
“Neon Fools is one of my favorite songs, especially from the earlier days. And I still get any show that I play. When I don’t play Neon Fools. If we don’t have enough time or something, I get 15 to 20 messages like why didn’t you play Neon Fools? It’s become a big fan favorite. And I love that. It’s you know, let’s be neon fools and let the neon fool you and me tonight. It’s just kind of that, I know this isn’t right. But we’re only down here one time, we get one life and I just kind of want to go with this right now. Even if it’s not, it’s not right for the future, it’s right for right now. And it’s just kind of giving into that good time and making that decision.”
“Famous was, I’ll never forget my little brother was in town. And it was his birthday. He had only met MacKinnon, my girlfriend at the time, I think once. And she had been wearing like workout clothes, she’d never been dressed up. And we’re taking him out for birthday dinner and she came walking down the stairs. And he turned around and looked at it and he goes, dang, you look famous. And the story would be much better if I was the one saying this to my girlfriend but my brother actually said it and I remember thinking I loved how you know in my world, everything’s kind of always aimed at me, you know, the famous person or the singer or whatever it is. And I loved how that spin aimed it at this girl across the room was like, oh, you look famous. And I took that in and wrote that song and it was my first gold single as a as a country artist.“