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TOM: My new puppy Hank. Legend, a full-blown legend and I got him from Wags and Walks Nashville. Here he is last night, just chillin. What a boy. He doesn’t know his name yet. He doesn’t, I don’t think he knows left from right yet but he’s learning.
MITCH: Or up from down.
TOM: And no, he’s a sweet boy the name Hank just sounded good. I wanted to call, I was gonna call him Mark just because I wanted something smooth but something just so human.
MITCH: But of course he chose a name that sounds exactly like my dog’s name.
TOM: Mitch’s dog’s name is Frank, so now in the house we have Frank and Hank.
MITCH: So you’re gonna be screaming the name and then both dogs are not going to have a clue who’s being spoken to.
TOM: No it’ll be powerful. So I love Hank already. He’s my son, and I’m his dad.
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Courtney Beebe
Sony Music Nashville
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