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LUKE COMBS: Intro, Outro, and Story Audio for recently released song “What You See Is What You Get” (Audio)


LUKE COMBS: Intro, Outro, and Story Audio for recently released song “What You See Is What You Get” (Audio)

LUKE COMBS: Intro, Outro, and Story Audio for recently released song “What You See Is What You Get” (Audio)
Intro Audio for Luke Combs’ “What You See Is What You Get”
I’m Luke Combs, this is one the songs from my new album What You See Is What You Get. Here’s “What You See Is What You Get.”

Outro Audio for Luke Combs’ “What You See Is What You Get”
I’m Luke Combs, and that was one of the songs from my new album What You See Is What You Get.

Story Audio for Luke Combs’ “What You See Is What You Get”
What You See Is What You Get, I wrote that with Jonathan Singleton and Barry Dean in Jonathan’s room at Big Machine Music. I had never written with Barry before. He’s an awesome guy, I really liked him a lot man. It was fun that day, we went in and I had had this idea for a while and was really headstrong about- I want to write this song, and I want to write this idea, and I want it to be different. I really just wanted to get out, ‘Hey, you know I’m this, but I’m also that.’ Like the juxtaposition between “I can be this way, but I can also be that way” I think is a cool twist on the idea of- “What You See Is What You Get” is such a concrete thing, but it’s not always that simple either, you know what I mean? Outside appearances are not always the same as the way you feel inside. There’s nothing wrong with that. I don’t know if the song necessarily goes that deep, but that was what I wanted to get across on that song is that you can be multifaceted but also be the thing that everybody thinks you are too.