Luke Combs: The Prequel Cut x Cut (Audio and Video link)

“Beer Never Broke My Heart,” we just kind of wanted to have fun with it and make a fun song that folks could sing along to. I think a lot of people can relate to that sentiment if they’re going through a heartbreak or something is wrong, you can just, hell, have fun and forget about it I think. It’s the same sentiment as “When It Rains It Pours,” there is something fun about it, something serious about it too.
The story behind “Refrigerator Door” is kind of just that. I grew up and my mom always had stuff all over the fridge. Like, take out menus, pictures of my family, our dogs and cats, pictures of me on the first day of kindergarten, letters from her friends, and just the whole thing was just covered in stuff. Magnets, recipes and shopping lists. So I just thought there was a neat idea there, cause I noticed a lot of people’s refrigerators are like that. I don’t really know why or how that became a thing, because it does seem like a really odd place to keep things. It would almost seem like you want those things near the TV or above your bed, I don’t know, but I just felt like there was something interesting about the idea that so many people have so much stuff on their refrigerator. It just kind of became like this place to collect memories for some odd reason.
“Even Though I’m Leaving”, was the first song I wrote with Wyatt Durrette, who I wrote “Beautiful Crazy” with. My buddy Ray who I write with a lot, that was our first time writing with Wyatt. Man, it’s just one of those tunes that, Wyatt’s a dad, and he’s written a lot of stuff about being a dad, you kind of just wanted to tap into that thing. Sometimes when you sit down to write it might not be necessarily a story about yourself, it might be a story about your co-writer, a friend of yours, your mom, or somebody like that. So it was just kind of one of those things where he went “hey man, I’m in the mood to write a dad song.” I had, had that idea in my phone for a while and it was a tough write too. We really had to work at it, it wasn’t one of those songs that just kind of came out, it was definitely more of a construction project. Sometimes you get in there and a song just kind of writes itself, but that one was tough. We wanted to get it right and make sure that people could relate to it, and see a bit of themselves in it. I think we did a good job of that.
“Lovin’ On You”, fun song, wrote it was Ray and James McNair and Thomas Archer. Me and Thomas wrote “Hurricane” together, me and Ray wrote “When It Rains It Pours” together and seven other songs on the album, and then me and James wrote I think three songs on the record together. A couple of those with Ray, so it was just three guys that I like writing songs with. Thomas and James were actually out the write with me, and Ray was out on the tour opening for us, so we were writing and Ray came along, and I just kind of had that idea lovin on you, and wanted to write something fun, real kind of country and honky tonky kind of thing. I was just in the throes of love and there we go, that’s kind of it.
Aw man, “Moon Over Mexico,” I took a trip, actually sponsored by Columbia SportsWear, shameless plug, but they took me down to Mexico, and I got to bring some of my buddies down there. I brought Ray down there with me, Dan Isbell, and Johnathan Singleton, and a couple other guys I write with a lot. We went down there and we went deep-sea fishing, and road Polarises (ATVs) through the desert. It was really awesome, it was an awesome trip. Kind of like a work trip, but we didn’t really have to do any work. We decided we were going to write, I had some guitars down there. We just kind of wanted to write a song that captured the mood or the vibe of where we were at, and what we were doing. We started writing that song, actually the morning we had to leave. We got about half way through it and ended up getting back together in Nashville and finishing it out. Every time I hear it I can remember exactly, the trip, the house we stayed at, and all this stuff. Just one of the songs that kind of matched the moment.