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Carlton Anderson talks about pursuing music as career (Audio)


Carlton Anderson talks about pursuing music as career (Audio)

Carlton Anderson talks about pursuing music as career and shares advice that helped him along the way.


Carlton Anderson talks about pursuing music as career (Audio)Carlton Anderson talks about the decision to pursue music as career path (Audio):

“For music, it was always something I wanted to do. But, it’s a crazy dream to think of. I mean, from where I’m from anyways. I mean a lot of my family- guys in my family it’s like a go to work, or go to war situation. So for me to want to go to college and do music, I mean, that was something nobody else had done in my family.  So, I put all of my efforts towards that.  So I think you have to work for everything you’re going to get.  That’s the way my Dad raised me, and his Dad before him. So, I applied that instead of to a manual labor job I just applied that to music, which has worked out.”

Carlton Anderson talks about pursuing music as career (Audio)Carlton Anderson shares advice about pursuing music as a career (Audio):

“Doing music wasn’t a logical choice, but it was really the only choice for me.  And actually I was sitting in my room one day learning cover songs and I was watching videos. There’s a guy named Hayes Carll, he’s a great singer-songwriter. And, it’s funny. One of these situations. He was being interviewed and they asked him, ‘Hey what kind of advice do you have for up and coming, or aspiring singer-songwriters?’ And he said, ‘You know, get off your ass and go do it.’  And that was enough for me. I feel like that’s the best advice you can give anybody. Just go do it. And, uh don’t look back.”

Carlton Anderson’s “Drop Everything” is available now to stream and download HERE.

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