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Walker Hayes and Craig share about the first time Craig heard the song, “Craig”, written for him (Video and Audio)

Walker Hayes and Craig share about the first time Craig heard the song, “Craig”, written for him (Video and Audio)


Walker Hayes and Craig share about the first time Craig heard the song, “Craig”, written for him (Video and Audio)


Walker Hayes shares about learning of Craig’s initial reaction to the first time he listened to Hayes’ new single titled “Craig,” which his act of kindness inspired:

Walker Hayes and Craig share about the first time Craig heard the song, “Craig”, written for him (Video and Audio) Walker Hayes talks about the 1st time Craig heard ‘Craig’ (VIDEO)

Walker Hayes and Craig share about the first time Craig heard the song, “Craig”, written for him (Video and Audio)  Walker Hayes talks about the 1st time Crai g heard ‘Craig’ (AUDIO)

“He has told me, you know, how and when the song hit him.  You know what I mean, where it collided with him and his life. But I vividly remember Laura, his wife, texting Laney and I on a group text and saying ‘He loves it so much, but you know he just can’t talk right now.  He’s speechless.’  You know, it just felt good.  You know because that’s why- that’s what the song was for.  All this stuff that’s happening now with it later, it’s all afterthoughts.  You know, when I wrote this song I just wanted Craig to know that his life had impacted me.  You know, because rarely does someone kind of step up into your life like that and show you that kind of love.  And so yeah, when he heard it I think he was pretty blown away.”

Craig, the man that inspired Walker Hayes’ latest single “Craig,” shares about his experience of hearing the song for the first time:

Walker Hayes and Craig share about the first time Craig heard the song, “Craig”, written for him (Video and Audio) Craig talks about the 1st time he heard ‘Craig’ (AUDIO)

“So the first time Walker told me he was writing a song about me, I laughed because I thought he was completely kidding.  And then, it was in August of 2017, Laura and I were on a date.  We were sitting out talking.  I was at a place where I had had a couple of pretty discouraging weeks and I was at a low.  The phone buzzed and it was the song that was sent from Walker and Laney.  And Laura said it’s called Craig.  So she played it and I was just absolutely stunned… speechless… dumbfounded.  I was crying.  Walker knows I’m not a perfect man, but he of course is drawing attention to the one who walks on water, the one who turned it Napa Valley red, the one who is the true light of the world.  And, for him to draw attention to my relationship with Christ had a profound effect on me.  I was deeply moved.”