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LANCO’s Debut Album “Hallelujah Nights” – Cut by Cut

LANCO‘s debut album “Hallelujah Nights” is available now, and the guys from LANCO are sharing the stories behind the songs on the album.

audio  “Born to Love You”

Brandon: Born to Love You is the first song on the album and that was definitely intentional, I think that that lays really good groundwork for where the album’s going. That song kind of explores who we are and where we all come from and kind of our backgrounds, and then also that journey to finding someone special in your life and how, no matter where you end up or what you end up doing, you kind of find that you’re there for them and they’re there for you and you’re born to love them, and so that’s a really special song and I think it starts the album out right.


audio  “Long Live Tonight”

Tripp: Long Live Tonight is a fun tune. It’s pretty upbeat. It’s just about living in the moment, having a good time, cherishing the moments you get, when you get ‘em.


audio  “Pick You Up”

Brandon: Pick you up is a song on the album that I really enjoy because first of all it explores kind of Country music is really famous for double autonomy, you know, double meanings in songs. This song is talking about missing somebody and wondering if they are missing you as well, and it is as simple as just going by their place and picking them up, you know, I want to pick you up. And then if they are feeling the same way, also saying I can pick you up, I can kind of pick you up from the rut you are in. From a songwriter’s perspective I love pick you up.


audio  “Greatest Love Story”

Brandon: One thing that attracts people to this song is the different dynamics because love no matter what your story is, it’s not easy. Everyone goes through hard times and whether it’s a physical distance or whether it’s more of a mental distance or an emotional distance, everyone can experience times where they were in a relationship and in love and then kind of started questioning some things or maybe took some time apart. But then really examined their relationship and looked at the beautiful thing that they had in that relationship and realized that that was really the important thing to them in that life.


audio  “We Do”

Chandler: We Do is a song that’s been with us, I guess pretty much since we started this band. It’s a song about celebrating what you have. There’s lyrics in there saying ya know, we don’t have a lot, we don’t have a lot of money, but we have friends, we’ve got jokes, we’ve got cheap beer and we’ve got this dive beer that we like to go downtown and hang out at. So it’s just a song about celebrating what you have and being thankful for that.


audio  “Trouble Maker”

Brandon: Troublemaker’s a really interesting song when you look at it closely because it originally, writing it we were talking about you know there’s this girl and the guys trying to get her and at the end does he get her. Is that how the story plans out? Jeremy Spillman and Jay Joyce were writing with me and we kind of realized, no that’s not ever how the story plays out for the majority of guys. Usually the girl walks in and every guys is all cocky about it, like oh I’m gonna get that one. And then she leaves with her girlfriends. She’s a stand up girl, she’s just making some trouble on a Monday night or a Friday night whatever it is. So, I think it’s a funny song from that aspect.


audio  “Singin’ at the Stars”

Jared: I think stars is one of the most unique intros that we have to a song and I really love it and I think it really shows off some of our musicality as a band. It also kind of ties in to the Hallelujah Night’s aspect of our record, it’s about cherishing moments with someone special and singin’ at the stars.


audio  “Win You Over”

Brandon: Win You Over is another song that kind of fills in some of the gaps from some of the stories that are told on the album. Kind of that moment when you’re first getting together and there’s that awkward, you like this girl or you may want to take her out on a date, you’re going out together but it’s not that formal. You know, it could be hanging out, you could split checks, you could just get friend zone. But, you kind of look at it where you have this one night, this one opportunity why not just go for it and win the person over.


audio  “So Long”

Eric: So Long is a really cool song on the album in that it flips the theme from finding your true love and kind of a happy ending, and love life to love found and then love lost. So the song is kind of this journey and this snap shot of a couple that comes together and everything seems great and then by the end of it the love is lost and it’s kinda saying goodbye to that.  So it’s very emotionally moving song and just kind of a really cool journey.


audio  “Middle of the Night”

Brandon: Middle of the night is just such a fun song. It is just a dancin’ song, it’s about I mean not needing to go to a bar or some big city, just going out to wherever you can in the middle of nowhere and making the most of it. Sonically it is an awesome song, it explores a lot of our influences in country music nitty gritty dirt band and Alabama. There’s a harmonica part on it that is really signature and we actually got Mickey Raphael to come in and play it who is Willie Nelson’s harmonica player, so that was awesome and he tore it up on that track. That is a fun one for us.


audio “Hallelujah Nights”

Brandon: Hallelujah Nights is the title track on the album, which we did intentionally, because that song kind of encompasses the theme of the entire album which is no matter what situation you’re in, whether it’s the good or the bad, looking at the moments you’re given and realizing that they’re special and the people around you and the thing’s you’re going through, they’re special, you won’t get those back and to make the most of them. That’s to us what a ‘hallelujah night’ is and it’s an appropriate title for the album.