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THANKSGIVING: Liners, and Memories

In case you missed these last week, and still need them…here’s a plateful of audio goodness for Thanksgiving…

audio  Kenny Chesney
“Hey, everybody, I’m Kenny Chesney wishing you a happy Thanksgiving”

audio  Cam
“Hi, this is Cam, wishing you a happy Thanksgiving”

audio  Luke Combs
“Hey,this is Luke Combs, wishing you a happy Thanksgiving”

audio  Tyler Farr
“Hey, this is Tyler Farr, wishing you a happy Thanksgiving”

audio  Seth Ennis
“Hey, what’s up y’all Seth Ennis here, wishing you a happy Thanksgiving”

audio  Miranda Lambert
“Hey, ya’ll, this is Miranda Lambert, wishing you a happy Thanksgiving.”

audio  Maren Morris
“Hi, this is Maren Morris, wishing you a happy Thanksgiving.”

audio  Old Dominion
“Hi, this is Old Dominion, wishing you a happy Thanksgiving.”

audio  Ryan Hurd
“Hey there I’m Ryan Hurd, wishing you a happy Thanksgiving.”

audio  Brad Paisley
“Hi, this is Brad Paisley, wishing you a happy Thanksgiving.”

audio  LANCO
“This is LANCO, wishing you a happy Thanksgiving”

audio  Walker Hayes
“Hey, y’all, this is Walker Hayes, wishing y’all a happy Thanksgiving.”

audio  Levon
“Hey, we’re Levon, wishing you a happy Thanksgiving.”

audio  Kane Brown
“I’m Kane Brown, wishing you a happy Thanksgiving.”

audio  Chris Young
“Hi, this is Chris Young, wishing you a happy Thanksgiving.”


audio  Brad Paisley remembers Thanksgiving traditions from his past, and shares the secret of starting new ones. (:58)
“I remember when I first moved to Nashville, and the holiday of going home, and taking a week there where you get a school break. I was at Belmont and I would drive up to West Virginia to see the family and I hadn’t seen them usually since August. That’s really what Thanksgiving is about, I guess it’s that holiday, when I think it’s more common for people to go back to where they’re from on that holiday than it is even on Christmas. I heard some stat that it’s almost you know 3 to 2 in terms of how many people go back where they’re from then. And so that for me always kept me grounded, and it’s been very interesting to start these traditions here and learn not to leave. I remember the first year I didn’t leave you know, and if you have the kids first in the family your set, because that’s where the tradition starts you know.”

audio  Levon lead singer Michael David Hall’s favorite part of Thanksgiving is the food. (:40)
“I like Thanksgiving so much because I combine those foods into like a mush… so I’ll just like put the mashed potatoes over the turkey, but the stuffing on the mashed potatoes throw in some artichoke hearts, put gravy over all that and then I just try and mix it in all… my mom hates it she would get on my case about mixing my…. Because she puts all this effort into making it look so good and then as soon as I get it on my plate its mixed together just like… just looks like total slop I mean but it tastes unreal.”

audio  Luke Combs is a big fan of reconnecting with family on Thanksgiving. (:30)
“I love thanksgiving man. It’s my favorite time of year. I don’t get to see my family a lot which is you know sad to say but I’m super busy as of right now. So, I love getting home and watching the Cowboys, and the Lions, you know the teams that always play on thanksgiving. The Packers and stuff like that. But I love being home and you know seeing Grand Ma and eating the food and all my cousins and everything, and everybody’s so proud of me and so supportive so it’s always great to go home and reconnect with the fam.”

audio  Cam loves Thanksgiving! (:03)
“I love Thanksgiving. It’s right around my birthday too which is my other favorite holiday.”

audio  Cam says that she’s willing to trade watching the annual Thanksgiving Day parade on TV for a little extra shut-eye. (:13)
“On Thanksgiving, I’m a sleep-in type of person, as much as I can, ’cause on the road I have to get up so early, so when I’m home, I’m just gonna sleep in as much as I can, and when I smell the coffee, then I’ll slowly wander out.”

audio  Kane Brown talks about his favorite dishes around the Thanksgiving table. (:10)
“Well, macaroni and cheese, but then my Ma Maw makes some good salmon patties, and gravy and biscuit, so I’m super excited for that. She always makes it because she knows it’s my favorite so I usually have like my own plate waiting for me.”

audio  Ryan Hurd says that the holidays and music go hand-in-hand around his family. (:16)
“I grew up around music my mom plays piano, my dad sang at church, and my dad and his brothers every Thanksgiving and Christmas would get together and do little barbershop songs together. Whether they could sing the whole song or not they’d usually pick out one line and it would take them an hour to figure it out. I’ve always been around music.”

audio  Chris Young says that he really gets into sports…and he really means that! So, he’ll be sure to watch the traditional football games on Thanksgiving (:17)
“I have more than one TV. (laughs) I can’t just watch one. I mean, I’m probably one of the more dedicated, even if it’s not my team. Like, if they had a national dice-throwing championship, I would know who was good and what their stats were so, I’ll definitely be watching both of those games on Thanksgiving.”

audio  Walker Hayes is very thankful for everything in his life on Thanksgiving. (:25)
“Thanksgiving… I’m so grateful I mean all my kids are healthy, and we’re happy, we got a roof, we got food, we got family that are supportive, before you even get to what I get to do for a living, we are so grateful for what we have and yeah I could go on and on about how grateful we are at Thanksgiving.”

audio  Tyler Farr talks about his favorite Thanksgiving side dish. (:18)
“My grandma, my mom and aunt and them — they always make chicken and dumplin’s, with the gravy on the mashed potatoes, all out. You know, that’s, hands down, my favorite side, the potatoes and the gravy. Add some weight onto my back thighs, so it looks like somebody hit me in the back of the legs with a bag of nickels, after I leave, so that’s my one thing.”

audio  Tyler Farr says that he’s been known to bypass the store and bring home his own turkey. (:22)
“I don’t do turkeys the same…you don’t do turkeys, or I don’t, the same way you do like a actual turkey you go buy at the store. It’s not the big, whole turkey, you know, the turkeys you, you know, harvest in the wild and stuff. Now, what I do, you’d breast ’em out and stuff — you don’t do the whole thing, which I think actually tastes better. But yeah, I’ve had some and cut it up, and I’m a dark meat guy, not a white meat guy.”

audio  Seth Ennis shares his idea for putting a special twist on the traditional Thanksgiving meal. (:33)
“I’ve had this idea. I don’t know if it’s going to work, but I’m thinking about this like around the world Thanksgiving where like appetizers are like Mexican food, and then like drinks might be like I don’t know like Italian so like wine, and then your main dish has to be the traditional you know like thanksgiving food, like dressing, turkey, American. And then dessert I was thinking about maybe being those like maybe Chinese, because I love at Chinese buffets those little sugar doughnuts. You know what I’m talking about? So, definitely that for dessert, and they always have the ice cream too. So I’m thinking about doing something like that.”