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Brad Paisley is giving all his fans attending this year’s CMA Music Festival a treat this weekend. He’s inviting CMA Music Fest attendees to join him to view the first ever country music visual album – LOVE AND WAR, which is Brad’s newest album, and 9th consecutive studio album to debut at #1 on Billboard’s Top Country Albums chart. Seating will be first come first served at the CMA Theater, Country Music Hall of Fame on Saturday, June 10 – 2:00pm.

audio  Brad Paisley’s visual album of LOVE AND WAR can be traced back to an impression left on him by one of Alan Jackson’s music videos. (1:28)
“I remember ‘Chattahoochee.’ I had that album early and the first single off that was ‘She’s Got the Rhythm, I’ve Got the Blues,’ which was fine . . . fine video, great song. Bought the album because I love Alan Jackson, love everything about him. Listened to the album, heard ‘Chattahoochee,’ thought ‘that’s a cool grove, I like that.’  I like what it’s talking about. Listened to a bunch of em on there, all the way to the end. Then all of the sudden, I turn on CMT and he’s waterskiing on the Chattahoochee river and doing flips.  That was my favorite song on that album, immediately. So that’s the power of that. That’s what we are trying to do with this visual album.  So you heard the song ‘Contact High,’ which I love the guitar playing. I love the melody. I like the feel of it. It’s a torched ballad and sounds like the blues club or something. But then you see me floating in an anti-gravity indoor skydiving chamber, looking like a deranged Power Ranger. I think it does something that would take typically take seeing me play in concert to connect, somehow. Each song has its moment. What I’m really proud of is I don’t think we left any on the table that are a waste. It’s like every one of them took it somewhere were you’re like ‘Oh, I never would have connected that dot this quickly at least without that video element.’ And they also dove tail…It’s one big project, and it’s really fun to watch…beginning to end.”