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Tim McGraw and Faith Hill are not only touring partners on the Soul2Soul tour, but unless you’ve been living under a rock, you also know that they have been married for 20 years…so, that means the superstar couple spend a lot of time together–and that’s just fine with them! Tim says that the family likes being together, and when all the stage lights fade, he says things are pretty normal, “Our family likes to be together…we’re homebodies and we don’t go out much and we like to hang out together and watch movies and stuff.” Tim also shares that when he’s not on stage with his wife singing their new single “Speak To A Girl”–he gets to have the ultimate Faith Hill fan experience, “The pluses are so awesome. To be able to be on the road with your wife every night and watch her sing and watch her perform and watch the magic that she creates out there.” Tim also thinks about what being on the Soul2Soul tour with Faith means to their family, “to be a part of that and be able to do that together and look back at the legacy that we have of doing this for 20 years together. Then the legacy that our children will have after we’re gone, of all of that. Those are the things I think about when we work together.” Now the only question is…what happen to Tim’s one room? If you want to see Tim and Faith work together on the Soul2Soul tour, check out their tour dates by going to either Tim McGraw dot com, or Faith Hill dot com, or for Tim’s site just click HERE, and for Faith’s click HERE

audio  Tim McGraw loves spending time with Faith Hill–whether they’re on tour, or not! (:45)
TIM: “We spend a lot of time together, whether we are working or not. We like to be together. Our family likes to be together.”
FAITH: “(laugh)”
TIM: “We’re homebodies and we don’t go out much and we like to hang out together and watch movies and stuff. That’s a plus when you’re on the bus…”
FAITH: “And you have your own room…you got your man cave”
TIM: “I got one room in my house…”
FAITH: “You do…Actually now it’s been taken over”
TIM: “Now it’s been taken over so I don’t even have a room.”
FAITH: “I’m sorry about that. (Laughs)”
TIM: “No, it’s okay. The pluses are so awesome. To be able to be on the road with your wife every night and watch her sing and watch her perform and watch the magic that she creates out there, to be a part of that and be able to do that together and look back at the legacy that we have of doing this for 20 years together. Then the legacy that our children will have after we’re gone, of all of that. Those are the things I think about when we work together.”