According to Miranda Lambert, her fans are more than just fans. Miranda’s new single “We Should Be Friends” tells us that her fans are, in fact, her friends. Whether it’s at shows or anywhere on the street, Miranda shares, “I just feel like the fact that they can relate to what I say, and that we have something in common; we may not know each other well enough to know what it is yet but we’re kindred spirits.” Miranda, who recently kicked off her Highway Vagabond tour with openers Old Dominion, will be looking to make new friends next week when she plays in Reading, PA. If you’re ready to take your Miranda fan level to the friendship level, you can check out when she’s coming to town by visiting Miranda Lambert dot com, or just click right HERE
Miranda Lambert says she considers her fans her friends. (:18)
“My fans to me are people that we should be friends. That’s where that comes from. I meet these people at shows or random, anywhere on the street. And I just feel like the fact that they can relate to what I say and that we have something in common we may not know each other well enough to know what it is yet but we’re kindred spirits.”