Kane Brown talks about the songs on his self-titled debut album.
“’Hometown’ I first heard when I was on tour with Florida Georgia Line. Tyler Hubbard walked up on my bus. He wanted to show me a song but he told me not to tell his wife because his wife really like the song and wanted FGL to cut it. So, I ended up listening to the song and I just fell in love with it and when he left I texted him right then and was like hey I want this song. So, he talked to his wife and she was like ok it fits him good because I’m from a small hometown and all I want to do is make em proud. I’m from Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia and Chattanooga, Tennessee and Fort Oglethorpe just got voted for the fourth most boring city in Georgia so if you know that’s why I want to make my hometown proud and its one of my favorite songs on the album and of course with FGL writing it, it just means so much to me”
“What Ifs”
“’What Ifs,’ it’s my only duet song on the album with my really close friend Lauren Alaina that I was in choir with, and she really convinced me into singing just because she’s such a talented artist and how far she’s made it. It’s just a song talking about a relationship and everybody’s always asking what if. Like what if this happened, what if that happened, what if you find somebody else, and it’s my most asked about song on my album and I hope people enjoy it as much as I think they’re going to enjoy it.”
“’Learning’ is the most touching song to me that I’ve ever written because it just tells you about my life. I grew up as a poor kid. I lived in a car with my mom for a while. Growing up in Georgia I went through a lot of racism. Like I said we didn’t have a lot of money so I had like high water jeans. I had holes in my shoes. I went through child abuse as a kid with my stepdad, and then I had a lot of kids you know, a lot of my friends when I was growing up started experimenting with drugs and guns and some of them passed away off of it and it’s just a song saying you know out of everything I’ve lived my whole life, it made me the man I am today and I learned from it and I hope other people learn from it as well.”
“Thunder In The Rain”
“’Thunder in the Rain’ means a lot to me because it’s my second single out to radio. It’s a roll your windows down, feel good song I wrote with Matt McVaney and Josh Hoge. It’s just talking about two unstoppable forces like thunder, fire, lighting, and rain, and nothings ever going to come between a relationship.”
“Pull It Off”
“’Pull it Off’ I fell in love with the song just because it’s kind of like a play on with words, and depending on how you look at the song it’s kind of a sexy song, and I’ve always loved the song. At first I wasn’t gonna cut it but then after we got the album put together it just made sense that it was going to fit on the album, and it’s a really rocking song. Probably the most rocking song on the whole album.”
“Cold Spot”
“’Cold Spot’ is a song about my Poppa’s store. It was just a beat up building with holes in the wall, and he solid everything except for gasoline, from RC colas, Moon Pies, to sponsoring a softball team, crickets, minnows, and he made about one hundred grand a year off a hundred dollars month worth of rent and it was just you know learning so much from his business, from being a better man to you know working your butt of every morning for something that you love. That’s when I first learned how to play baseball because he sponsored a softball team, so I would go out with the softball team and just hang out and you know he just taught me how to be a man, taught me about girls, just everything. After the big stores were built and the interstate was built the store kind of just started to go to, it started going downhill because nobody had to pass the store anymore. Everybody started going to the bigger stores, and you know our memories are still at that store cause it’s still standing. The signs still there and everything, and every time I pass it I always think back on what we used to have, and then the day I finished the song is when he ended up passing away, so he didn’t even get to hear it and its one of my favorite songs on the album.”
“Ain’t No Stopping Us Now”
“’Aint No Stopping Us Now’ is one of my biggest songs. I used to put covers and stuff up on Facebook and I put this song up on Facebook and in a couple hours it got 11.5 million views, and I knew it was going to be a pretty big song for me. So, I put it up on iTunes and my fans made it number one. And so then we named my current tour that I’m on Ain’t No Stopping Us Now and sponsored by Monster and Outbreak, and it’s just a roll your windows down feel good type song. You need to go to Panama City listening to it so yeah I hope you enjoy it.”
“I can relate to ‘Comeback’ a lot because I was in a high school relationship for three years. We ended up splitting up and everybody was, you know, they were kind of upset that we split up after three years. Everybody loved our relationship. Everybody asked us how we did it cause we were so young and you know we had a really healthy relationship. You know after we split up everybody was you know, waiting for us to get back together. They were saying we were going to get married and all this stuff. And just when I heard this song I fell in love with it especially because it was written by my buddy Chris Young”
“One of my favorite songs that was pitched to me just because the way it was written. It was very clever. Talking about ‘Stacy’s Mom,’ and she lived three doors down, and if you, you know, if you blinked 182 than you would miss her. And I just thought it was so well written, and it had such a groove to it that it would fit perfect for the album. We didn’t have that type of a song yet. Once we finally got it back after recording, it just came out so great. I was excited that I had it on my album.”
“Better Place”
“’Better Place.’ It’s a different kind of love song, you know its talking about you’re going to do whatever you can in this girls life to make her happy until both of ya’ll are in a better place. And it’s got a, kind of got like this old-school country sound, mixed with a new-school country sound. And you know when I play it live it goes over well. Everybody jams out. I put it on my Facebook and it did well on views and likes and shares. And so we got a lot of people singing it back to us in the crowd and I think it will be one of the hits off the album.”
“Granddaddy’s Chair”
“’Granddaddy’s Chair’ is really personal to me because my granddad was my best friend. We went everywhere together from football games, to baseball games, to the rodeo, basketball games, and then he ended up getting really sick and he had to stay in the recliner for like the rest of his life, and we were a big rodeo family at the time, and I had this wooden rocking horse that I’d always sit in front of and I’d have my diapers and my boots on. And I would just, I would ride on the rocking horse and he’d count to eight seconds and Id act like I fell off. And when he turned 60 years old, that’s when he ended up passing away and he was such a huge part of my life and my nana’s life and just my family’s life in general. He was such a good man. He worked at the post office and everybody knew him. He never met a stranger. We would always take road trips to Panama City. He always let everyone know that my nana was his girl like there was nothing breaking up his marriage, and he was just a very good man. So I had to write a song to him and my tribute is called ‘Granddaddy’s Chair.’’