Brad Paisley remembers that when he was in college it was a bigger deal to go home for Thanksgiving than even Christmas. Brad says that going home for the holiday always had a way of keeping him grounded. Times change of course, and when Brad started his own family he realized the importance of being in his own home with his family on Thanksgiving. He jokes, you can set that tradition when you’re the first in your family to have kids. So, now the Paisley’s celebrate at home in Nashville, and what does a Thanksgiving look like in Brad’s house? He says it’s pretty much what you’d think “Turkey, and mashed potatoes, and stuffing, and usually some sort of obligatory vegetable that never gets eaten.”
Brad Paisley remembers Thanksgiving traditions from his past, and shares the secret of starting new ones. (:58)
“I remember when I first moved to Nashville, and the holiday of going home, and taking a week there where you get a school break. I was at Belmont and I would drive up to West Virginia to see the family and I hadn’t seen them usually since August. That’s really what Thanksgiving is about, I guess it’s that holiday, when I think it’s more common for people to go back to where they’re from on that holiday than it is even on Christmas. I heard some stat that it’s almost you know 3 to 2 in terms of how many people go back where they’re from then. And so that for me always kept me grounded, and it’s been very interesting to start these traditions here and learn not to leave. I remember the first year I didn’t leave you know, and if you have the kids first in the family your set, because that’s where the tradition starts you know.”
Brad Paisley says that his Thanksgiving probably isn’t that much different from yours. (:09)
“Turkey, and mashed potatoes, and stuffing, and usually some sort of obligatory vegetable that never gets eaten…it looks like, like you’d think.”