Chase Rice doesn’t trick-or-treat that much anymore, but just in case he shows up in your neighbor, he’d like to let you know what he’d like…and it’s kind of specialized. Chase would like “5 to 6…maybe 6 to 10…double stuffed Oreos on a plate, with a cup of milk… like 2%, not skim that’s too healthy…a bucket, I guess, of mint chocolate chip ice cream with a spoon, so I could actually dip my Oreo as I’m trick-or-treating then take my spoon and throw a little piece, like a spoon size piece, of mint chocolate chip Oreo on top of my Oreo after I dipped it” Now Chase is fuller aware that this wish would be nearly impossible to find…but he says that if he ever did find a house that gave out treats like this, chances are that he keep showing up for the next several days. He also says, before you dismiss his Halloween craving, you should try it, because “it’s better than a Girl Scout cookie.”
Chase Rice describes his perfect Halloween treat. (:51)
“My favorite candy that I would want, here’s what I’d want them to do… I want them to put into my pumpkin bucket, that’s what I was used to have as a kid, not just throw candy in it because that’s too easy. I want them to give me 5 to 6…maybe 6 to 10…double stuffed Oreos on a plate, with a cup of milk… like 2%, not skim that’s too healthy…a bucket, I guess, of mint chocolate chip ice cream with a spoon, so I could actually dip my Oreo as I’m trick-or-treating then take my spoon and throw a little piece, like a spoon size piece, of mint chocolate chip Oreo on top of my Oreo after I dipped it, and then eat it, and that would be my favorite Halloween ever. I get it that’s impossible but that’s what I want. By the way, if you guys of never tried that do it, it’s better than a Girl Scout cookie.”
Chase Rice admits that if he found a house that served his dream Halloween treat…he’d might keep showing up even after Halloween was over. (:14)
“Yeah you’d be seeing me November 1st at your house like ‘hey what’s up?’ They’d be like ‘Halloween Chase, Halloween was last night.’ And I’d be like ‘well, I know…but you got any more of those Oreos and mint chocolate chip leftover, I want some tonight too’ and then November 2nd too probably.”