CMA nominee Cam is excited to go to the awards this year because of all the past winners, and country music legends that will be on hand to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the event. One legacy artist that she can’t wait to see, is one she’s already met…Dolly Parton. Cam looks up to the country music legend because as Cam says, Dolly is “the smartest person you’ve ever met, and just business wise such an incredibly talented women” basically, Dolly is just “fricken adorable.” You can see Cam, Dolly and all the other country legends this Wednesday, November 2nd, on ABC TV, as the 50th Annual CMA Awards comes to you live from Nashville, Tennessee.
Cam talks about all the star power that is going to be at this year’s CMA Awards. (:34)
“I haven’t kept up with exactly who’s gonna be there, but I know that it’s such a, it’s nice when they bring in more, what does everybody call it like Legacy acts I guess, but people that have proved them self’s and are like role models for the rest of us that get to be sort of there in the mix. I got to hang out with Dolly a month ago maybe, and she is just fricken adorable, and the smartest person you’ve ever met, and just business wise such an incredibly talented women, so I love seeing her. I think that will probably be a highlight.”