Back from her honeymoon, Cam picked up her weekly catch-up session with her fans again this week–which she dubbed Mayday Monday. This week, Cam joked that it was the “Mrs. Mayday Monday” edition, because it was her first one as a married woman. Along with talking about her upcoming Burning House tour, Cam, like she usually does on these Facebook Live chats, answered some questions from fans…including a question about her recent wedding. One of Cam’s fans wanted to know if preparing for the big event was stressful, and while Cam says that it had its moments of stress, she also shared a story of a pre-marriage moment that was very stress free. But now that she’s back, Cam is not only having her Mayday Monday sessions, but she’s also sharing photos and videos from her honeymoon! Check them out on her Facebook page, or just click right HERE
Cam talks about one of the times before her wedding where she was able to escape the stress of the day. (:58)
“Most of the preparation was a little bit stressful, but I would say one of the best things like getting ready the day of…when we were sort of putting everything together that day, is me and my bridesmaids sat down that morning, we all had matching little pajamas on, and we sat down outside, and we’re looking out at the desert in Joshua Tree…we had this gorgeous view of just kind of rocks and nothingness and we sat there and just meditated together. It was really special, just because you know those people that are around you at your wedding are kind of like your little soulmates in a way, and they are the ones that have gotten you through a lot of times when you cried and call them up, and times when you’re really excited, and times when you’re ugly, and times when you’re cute, times when you’re drunk, and times when you’re sober, so (laugh), that was a very special time in preparation.”