Chase Rice is out on his Everybody We Know Does tour right now–and his take on touring is much different today than it was earlier in his career. Chase admits that when he started it was just a constant party to him, but he soon learned that making music is not only his passion, but it’s a business. Learning lessons the hard way, and seeing how guys like Kenny Chesney ran things, Chase reevaluated his approach to the touring lifestyle. Since doing that, Chase now realizes that “the cool part about this line of work is…I can treat like a business but still bring a massive party along with it on the side.” To see Chase do his business and sing “Everybody We Know Does” on the tour of the same name, you can check out tour dates on Chase Rice dot com, or just click HERE
Chase Rice shares the lesson he learned when it comes to touring. (:35)
“When I first started this, it wasn’t business to me, it was fun. It was just me partying every single night as opposed to just the fans and me forgetting about reality, which I’ll learn pretty quick you can do that. I ended up having to go through vocal surgery, I was partying too hard. But, I learned through guys like Kenny, and through just common knowledge that this is a business for me, and if I want to do this for a long time I’m gonna have to treat it like a business, and the cool part about this line of work is…I can treat like a business but still bring a massive party along with it on the side.”