You want to get to know Chase Rice? Listen to his new song “Everybody We Know Does.” Chase says that the coolest part about his new song is, that it describes a life he’s lived when he grew up in Florida, and North Carolina. Plus, it extends to his life now on his farm in Tennessee, and that’s the reason he loves the song so much. In fact, he loves the song so much, he named his fall tour after it too. If you want to check out the Everybody We Know Does tour, and see if it’s coming your way, head to Chase Rice dot com or just click HERE
Chase Rice talks about the “realness” of his new song “Everybody We Know Does.” (:34)
“The coolest thing about ‘Everybody We Know Does’ is the real life of it. It was my real life growing up down in Florida, and North Carolina, I grew up on 2 horse farms, and that’s what we did. I mean, that’s what my dad did on Friday nights when they roll around after a long week, and that’s what I grew up seeing, and that’s what I grew up living…and than it fast forward all these years, and that’s what I do on my farm in Tennessee now, so it’s like from the beginning of my life to right now, it couldn’t be more me , and it couldn’t be more what I’ve done. That’s why I love the song so much.”