Jake Owen‘s new album American Love arrives in stores and online this Friday, July 29th. Jake admits that in the end he can look back and remember the fun times he had making it, but he is also aware there were some not-so-fun times as well. The making of American Love coincided with a pretty turbulent time in his life. But taking it in stride, Jake says “life’s not always fun, but when you look at the grand scheme of life, life’s pretty awesome.” In the end, Jake says the fun memories will long out live the bad ones, and American Love is a project that he’s really proud of.
Jake Owen reflects of the events of his life during the making of his album American Love. (:32)
“I had a lot of fun at the end, looking back thinking about all the time I spent making it, and the fun times that I had making it but there was a lot of times that weren’t fun either. I was going through a divorce, so it wasn’t always fun, but I think in life…life’s not always fun, but when you look at the grand scheme of life, life’s pretty awesome. And that’s kind of what this record was for me, there was moments that weren’t that much fun, but then there was a lot there were, and those are the ones you always remember. This is something I’m really proud of, and comfortable to walk away from thinking I did all I could.”