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KANE BROWN: Which Comes First…The Title, Or The Lyric…


Writing songs is an interesting talent to have, because there’s no one way to do it. Even for some writers, every time they write a song, the experience is different. That’s the case for Kane Brown. Kane, who co-wrote his latest song “Thunder in the Rain,” says that sometimes it’s the title that inspires a song, and sometimes it’s working on lyrics is where the title comes from and can complete a track.

audio  Kane Brown says the song writing process is never the same. (:16)
“Usually having the title, it’s a lot easier because you know what to write around, but if you don’t have a title sometimes you just hear guitar, so you just write lyrics, and then your title ends up coming out of the lyrics that you already wrote. So, I don’t really have a structure of writing it’s just whatever comes that day, that’s usually what happens.”