Kenny Chesney recalls Independence Day celebrations from his youth. (:27)
“You know what? I was usually playin’ little-league baseball on the Fourth of July. You know, I was big into sports, and the summertime in east Tennessee consisted of playin’ baseball, and that’s what I did on the Fourth of July. And they had a big fireworks display after all the games, and I was usually, you know, tryin’ to win the affection of some little girl over at the concession stand. And, you know (laughs), things don’t change very much!”
Carrie Underwood shares what it means to her to be an American. (:18)
“America really is, you know, the land of opportunity. It’s the only place in the world that I could try out for some show and win and…amongst hundreds of thousands of people…and go on to do great things. I mean, it’s just the land of ‘anything could happen.’ The people in it are what makes it great.”
Chris Young really enjoys celebrating Independence Day. (:19)
“Fourth of July is always a big day with me and my dad. I think we spend, like, 400 dollars, 500 dollars on fireworks alone during Fourth of July. (laughs) And we go do a cookout at the house, and then we set off fireworks. And we’ve almost blown ourselves up a couple times, but you know, it’s somethin’ that me and my dad just love gettin’ out there and doin’. It’s a lot of fun for us.”
Chris Young likes to live dangerously on the Fourth of July. (:09)
“I gotta have the stuff in the big tube that, like, shoots up 800 feet and explodes, and yeah…I gotta have stuff that can really injure you.” (laughs)
Miranda Lambert loves sparklers on the Fourth of July. (:13)
“I love holidays in general, but Fourth of July is…summer is my favorite time of year, so Fourth of July is probably one of my favorites because I…my favorite firework is sparklers. Always it brings out the little girl in me. I always ask for sparklers (laughs) for Fourth of July.”
Tyler Farr says that he’s always enjoyed being a fireworks fuse-lighter since his early days of having firework adventures. (:40)
“I’ve always been a lightin’-the-fuse guy, and that dates back to my early high school years when my buddy worked at a fireworks stand around the Fourth of July, so he would smuggle these fireworks to us. There was probably some things we shouldn’t have done and probably some things I shouldn’t be alive right now for experimenting with. There’s always…we always had the bottle rocket fights, and then it turned into Roman candle fights, until I lit one of my buddy’s butts on fire. And that didn’t turn out good — we had to throw him in a pond, and (laughs) ixnay that.”
Tyler Farr says that there’s just something about kids and fireworks. (:12)
“It’s always interesting when you get young, crazy kids and fireworks together. They…I think every kid or boy wants to be the fuse-lighter and see where they can make this bottle rocket go.
Tyler Farr believes in child safety when it comes to fireworks, but laughs that there’s usually a kid like him in the bunch. (:18) (note content)
“I encourage young kids to use the snakes and the poppers, but there’s always that little redneck kid that has a bottle rocket, and he’s about to light it, and he’s gonna fire it wherever direction he decides to go, and it’s gonna scare the crap out of somebody, and (laughs) I live for moments like that. What can I say?”