Cam, who sings a song called “Mayday,” recalls a time when she was young, and she actually had to call “Mayday” for help. Cam remembers climbing too far up into a tree in the backyard of her childhood home, and her Dad coming to the rescue with a helpful lesson that she still uses to this day.
Cam recalls a lesson she learned from her Dad, that she still remembers to this day. (:39)
“One lesson that I learned from my dad that I still use today…would be the one time, of many times, that I climbed up the redwood tree in our backyard, and I’d often climb way too high and get stuck, and I’d yell for my dad to come out, and he’d come out, and stand at the bottom of the tree, and yell up to me, and say ‘are you okay’ and I’d say ‘help get me down’ and he’d say ‘ I can’t help down, you got to help yourself, but I’ll stand here and cheer you on.’ And, I think that’s a big lesson that I learned from my dad; you got to be the one to help yourself down out of the tree. (laugh)”