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MAREN MORRIS: Tonight & Today


Maren Morris will be busy in New York the early part of next week. Monday night (June 6th), Maren will be on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. Tuesday (June 7th) Maren will appear on The Today Show. Maren recently made her national TV debut on Good Morning America a couple of weeks back, which she jokes about the fact that, “that was like the cutest I think I’ve ever looked that early.” And while she only has the one performance under her belt, Maren says that “it actually was less scary than I anticipated,” and she even compared it to her live show in the fact that it was over before she knew it.

audio  Maren Morris compares performing on TV to performing live on stage at one of her shows. (:58)
“Because I haven’t done a whole lot of life TV quite yet, you know just from my one experience on Good Morning America, I feel like the similarities between performing just an actual show and then doing that live performance on the television, is that it goes by so quick. I mean the second a show kicks in, or the camera starts rolling, it goes by in a blink of an eye. I always am left sort of exasperated and breathless because I’m like ‘wait can we do that again, it wasn’t long enough.’ But, that’s what I’ve sort of been able to compare the two to, but I feel like the more we get into our late night performances and the talkshows, I’m just excited to have more experience and see which ones I really love doing, yeah that’s kind of how I’ve so far been able to compare it to my live performances at shows.”

audio  Maren Morris recalls her experience of getting up early to perform on a morning show. (:38)
“Well, I had to get up at three to start hair, and make up, that was like the cutest I think I’ve ever looked that early. But, I’m used to singing at night and bars and like honky-tonks, so getting up and doing national TV on GMA it was actually…I don’t know if it was just fate but my voice ended up being fine and I didn’t have to worry too much. But, we did some sound checks and run throughs, so I got to get some warm-up for the actual live performance thank God, but that is definitely the earliest call time that I’ve ever had. (laugh)”

audio  Maren Morris says that being on TV was not as scary as she thought it would be. (:10)
“It actually was less scary than I anticipated doing live TV that early in the morning. I watched so many performances, artists that I love, and I’ve always wondered what it’s like being there.”