Old Dominion‘s new single “Song For Another Time” is out now! This is the third release off their album Meat and Candy, and follows the two smash-hit songs “Break Up With Him” and “Snapback.” Old Dominion’s success on the song charts, and winning various breakthrough, or new band awards, comes from their unique sound. Brad from Old Dominion thinks he knows when he hears that certain sound right away…but band mate Trevor is not so sure the “Old Dominion sound” is so evident at first. Either way, “Song For Another Time,” has that sound…and it should, since Brad, Trevor and Old Dominion lead singer Matthew co-wrote the song with Matt Jenkins (who helped co-write 4 other songs on Old Dominion’s album, Meat and Candy). Fans can find Old Dominion playing “Song For Another Time” and the rest of their hits all summer long on Kenny Chesney‘s Spread the Love tour. For more details about Old Dominion, check out their website Old Dominion Band dot com by clicking HERE
Brad from Old Dominion thinks he knows when he hears that certain sound right away…but band mate Trevor is not so sure the “Old Dominion sound” is so evident at first. (:53)
BRAD: “It’s hard to pinpoint I think maybe if you’re outside of the group, but for us we just kind of know it. Just certain vibes, there’s a certain thing about the lyric that you know we just try to keep it as fresh as we can, and we’re always trying to do something a little bit outside so…I don’t know, you just kind of know.”
TREVOR: “I was gonna say we don’t really know”
BRAD: “Really?”
TREVOR: “Because I don’t think…”
BRAD: “Forget everything I just said”
TREVOR: (laugh) “For me, I don’t know…we work up a lot of songs, and we demo a lot of songs, we’ve even cut songs in the studio that we thought were going to be on the album, it’s sort of a moving target. But I mean, because we’re so many different things as a band. We have a sound, but we do a lot of different things…for me I don’t maybe, maybe you know but I don’t always know when it’s an Old Dominion song.”
BRAD: “Maybe I think I know when it is, and then whether we try it and it doesn’t work, maybe it wasn’t.”