The guys in LANco has been very busy lately, but they make sure to find time to check in with their moms–and if it gets too busy on the road, they make sure to have a couple of different ways to alert them to holidays like Mother’s Day.
Tripp from LANco says that it’s very easy to lose track of time on the road, while Brandon thanks a helpful reminder tool. (:18)
Tripp: “You really kind of lose track of time out on the road. It’s like one big long day and night…I don’t even know what it is have the time we’re on the road. So it’s starting to get a little harder to keep up with birthdays and things like that. Even friends back home it’s hard to keep up with them now-a-days.”
Brandon: “Thank God for Facebook reminders…today is Mother’s Day”
Tripp: “That is true”
Jared from LANco has combined his alert system and gift buyer into one…his big sister.
“My older sister helps me remember a lot of those things and I just ask her to go get my mom a bottle wine, that’s usually the best way she can celebrate Mother’s Day so”
Chandler from LANco has a very reliable reminding system…called dad. Eric relies on Southwest. (:12)
Chandler: “I think I get a text a week from my dad reminding me who’s birthday is today or the Mother’s Day is next weekend or anything like that so”
Eric: “Southwest always sends me an email reminding me to buy flowers for my mom”
Chandler: “I also got that onebefore ours from a mom also got that one”
Brandon from LANco talks about checking in with his mom from the road. (:33)
“My mom and I will stay in touch on the road it’s nice…it’s nothing too expensive because she knows I’m super busy, so she’ll always be very motherly like ‘I don’t want to bother you I just want to make sure you’re safe.’ So, I always let her know that I’m safe and then when I get home I’ll give your give her and my dad a full update of everything our life. Every now and then, I’ll send like an Emoji or something. Then you know like my birthday, I was on the road my birthday so we got, well, I didn’t…Tripp jumped on the mic and got the crowd to sing me happy birthday so I sent a little video clip of that happening. So those are the ways fine to stay in touch with your mom on the road.”