When an artist starts out their career, sometimes the path to success seems like a obstacle covered road of frustration–and it’d be nice to know the light at the end of the tunnel isn’t a train. So, if you could’ve time-traveled back 6-months ago, and told Cam that her song “Burning House” would become a number-one hit, and that going into the 2016 ACM Awards, she would be the most nominated female of the night…it might have been a nice pick-me-up for her. But the only problem with her current success then is, as Cam says, “I really have to work extra hard to make sure that I’m gonna keep one-upping myself.”
A little hint of the success she’s having now, would have been a nice thing for Cam to know earlier in 2015. (:51)
“Six months ago I probably would’ve at least needed to hear it. Because it’s like, you wanna hope for it. But at the same time, I mean, it’s just, it’s just so crazy because the odds are so slim. Like I remember thinking like I shouldn’t even try and get a record deal. You know what I mean? I remember thinking how hard that is just to get a record deal. And then how hard it is to make sure that something actually takes off, there’s a lot of people have record deals and nothing ever works out. Doesn’t mean they’re bad or anything but it’s just such an impossible thing to do, and then, for it to actually go number one and then have awards. I mean, it’s like, it kinda feels like I really have to top this now. I really feel like my works cut out for me for the next album. I really have to work extra hard to make sure that I’m gonna keep one-upping myself.”