If you follow Jake Owen on Twitter, you know that he’s very open in sharing his life with his fans — and sometimes even inviting his Twitter followers to get together with him or accepting a tweeted invitation, as he recently did on tour, meeting a fan for drinks around a recent show in Dallas. And staying connected, whether it’s in person or with a tweet or a Facebook post, is what led to one of Jake’s all-time favorite compliments. (AUDIO INFO BELOW)
- Be sure to follow him on Twitter @jakeowen!
- Jake is currently climbing the radio charts with his powerful single, “What We Ain’t Got,” from his Days of Gold album.
- Jake will be playing selected dates on Kenny Chesney’s upcoming The Big Revival Tour, including the tour’s kick-off with back-to-back nights in Nashville on March 26th and 27th.
Jake Owen says that social media led to “the best compliment I ever got.” (1:22)
“I think the best compliment I ever got was in a restaurant one night, and a guy came over to the table and said hey to my wife and I — we were sittin’ there havin’ dinner, and he said, ‘I just want you to know, man, I follow you on Twitter, but,’ he said, ‘it’s kind of weird ’cause I don’t know you at all, but I feel like I know you, just from followin’ you on Twitter. I feel like we’re friends.’ And to me, that was the greatest compliment ever because I really work hard to maintain that connection between myself and my fans, whether they’re here in Nashville or whether they’re, you know, all over the country — or overseas, really. I think by followin’ me on Twitter, you get a really good picture of who I am as a person, what I believe in, the kind of things that I’m proud of, and I’m a family guy, and…but I also like to have fun with my buddies and friends. And it’s nice to know that people out there that maybe I’ve never met before feel like they’re on a friend level with me just because I keep in contact with them personally through social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. But in today’s day in age, I think it’s important to really utilize those platforms and use ’em to your best ability because it’s our one way of connecting with the fans out there. And that’s all they want to do! They…yeah, they love our music, but they really want to connect to us as human beings. That’s what we are. That’s why I think people love country music is we’re real people singin’ about real situations, and if they can compound that with kind of grasping a hold of who you are as an artist and person, and you reach out to them, it multiplies tenfold.”
In a Tuesday tweet, Jake shared a photo of daughter Pearl, as he said: Pearls first Pony..my little girl likes country music and horses.