As we get ready to celebrate Independence Day 2015, we’re breaking out the sparklers with our star-filled collection of greetings and favorite stories. Happy Fourth!
TH OF JULY: Independence Day Stories and Greetings" width="16" height="14" /> Kenny Chesney recalls Independence Day celebrations from his youth. (:27)
“You know what? I was usually playin’ little-league baseball on the Fourth of July. You know, I was big into sports, and the summertime in east Tennessee consisted of playin’ baseball, and that’s what I did on the Fourth of July. And they had a big fireworks display after all the games, and I was usually, you know, tryin’ to win the affection of some little girl over at the concession stand. And, you know (laughs), things don’t change very much!”
TH OF JULY: Independence Day Stories and Greetings" width="16" height="14" /> Carrie Underwood shares what it means to her to be an American. (:18)
“America really is, you know, the land of opportunity. It’s the only place in the world that I could try out for some show and win and…amongst hundreds of thousands of people…and go on to do great things. I mean, it’s just the land of ‘anything could happen.’ The people in it are what makes it great.”
TH OF JULY: Independence Day Stories and Greetings" width="16" height="14" /> Chris Young really enjoys celebrating Independence Day. (:19)
“Fourth of July is always a big day with me and my dad. I think we spend, like, 400 dollars, 500 dollars on fireworks alone during Fourth of July. (laughs) And we go do a cookout at the house, and then we set off fireworks. And we’ve almost blown ourselves up a couple times, but you know, it’s somethin’ that me and my dad just love gettin’ out there and doin’. It’s a lot of fun for us.”
TH OF JULY: Independence Day Stories and Greetings" width="16" height="14" /> Chris Young likes to live dangerously on the Fourth of July. (:09)
“I gotta have the stuff in the big tube that, like, shoots up 800 feet and explodes, and yeah…I gotta have stuff that can really injure you.” (laughs)
TH OF JULY: Independence Day Stories and Greetings" width="16" height="14" /> Jerrod Niemann appreciates the real meaning of the Fourth of July…and we know he’s just kidding about the fireworks. (:19)
“Well, as a kid, I loved Fourth of July because I could shoot Roman candles at my siblings. But then when you finally understand what it stands for, and you’re old enough to grasp that the only reason you can shoot Roman candles at your siblings is because there’s people out there that are sacrificing their lives and allowed all of us to continue to be free and do the things that we love.”
TH OF JULY: Independence Day Stories and Greetings" width="16" height="14" /> Miranda Lambert loves sparklers on the Fourth of July. (:13)
“I love holidays in general, but Fourth of July is…summer is my favorite time of year, so Fourth of July is probably one of my favorites because I…my favorite firework is sparklers. Always it brings out the little girl in me. I always ask for sparklers (laughs) for Fourth of July.”
Fourth of July Liners
Garth Brooks
“Hey, y’all, this is Garth Brooks, wishing you a happy and proud Fourth of July.”
TH OF JULY: Independence Day Stories and Greetings" width="16" height="14" /> Kix Brooks
“Hey, I’m Kix Brooks, wishing you a happy Fourth of July!”
“Hi, this is Cam, wishing you a happy Fourth of July!”
TH OF JULY: Independence Day Stories and Greetings" width="16" height="14" /> Kenny Chesney
“Hey everybody, this is Kenny Chesney wishing you a happy Fourth of July!”
TH OF JULY: Independence Day Stories and Greetings" width="16" height="14" /> Kelly Clarkson
“Hey, what’s up, y’all? I’m Kelly Clarkson, and I want to remind all of y’all to have fun but be safe this Fourth of July.”
Josh Dorr
“Hey, this is Josh Dorr, wishing you a happy Fourth of July!”
TH OF JULY: Independence Day Stories and Greetings" width="16" height="14" /> Tyler Farr
“Hey, this is Tyler Farr, wishin’ you a happy Fourth of July.”
The Henningsens
Aaron, Brian, and Clara: “We’re The Henningsens…”
Clara: “…wishing you a happy Fourth of July.”
TH OF JULY: Independence Day Stories and Greetings" width="16" height="14" /> Miranda Lambert
“Hey, Miranda Lambert here, wishing you a happy Fourth of July!”
Logan Mize
“Hey, this is Logan Mize, wishing you a happy Fourth of July.”
TH OF JULY: Independence Day Stories and Greetings" width="16" height="14" /> Jerrod Niemann
“Hey, this is Jerrod Niemann wishing you a happy Fourth of July!”
Old Dominion
Matthew, Trevor, Brad, Whit, and Geoff: “Hi, this is Old Dominion…”
Matthew: “…wishing you a happy Fourth of July.”
Steven Lee Olsen
“Hey, this is Steven Lee Olsen, wishing you a happy Fourth of July.”
TH OF JULY: Independence Day Stories and Greetings" width="16" height="14" /> Jake Owen
“Hey, y’all, this is Jake Owen, wishing you a happy Fourth of July.”
TH OF JULY: Independence Day Stories and Greetings" width="16" height="14" /> Brad Paisley
“Hi, this is Brad Paisley, wishing you a happy Fourth of July.”
The Swon Brothers
Zach and Colton: “We’re The Swon Brothers…”
Colton: “…wishing you a happy Fourth of July!”
TH OF JULY: Independence Day Stories and Greetings" width="16" height="14" /> Carrie Underwood
“Hi, this is Carrie Underwood, wishing you a happy Fourth of July!”
Trisha Yearwood
“Hi, this is Trisha Yearwood, wishing you a happy Fourth of July!”
TH OF JULY: Independence Day Stories and Greetings" width="16" height="14" /> Chris Young
“Hi, this is Chris Young wishing you a happy Fourth of July!”